Census Services

Complete the Census Here

The MFL is partnering with the US Census to provide a safe and secure location to complete the questions for anyone who does not have access to a computer or the internet.

The 2020 Census is easy. The questions are simple .
A short, 6 minute Census Video is available to preview.

Click here for 2020 Census Confidentiality Info.

The Census asks questions that provide a snapshot of the nation. Census results affect your voice in government, how much funding your community receives, and how your community plans for the future

Every person counts!
When you fill out the Census, you help: 

  • Determine how many seats your state gets in congress
  • Guide how more than $675 billion in federal funding is distributed to state and communities each year.
  • Create jobs, provide housing, prepare for emergencies, and build schools, roads and hospitals.

If you have any questions please feel free to call or come in to the library.

An Accessible 2020 Census

Details Available: